The Graphic Design Contract

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A Graphic Design Contract, also known as(Article Submission)It is a process of submitting an article related to your website. More a Statement of Work Agreement or SOW(Statement of Work)A Statement of Work agreement is document…

The Graphic Design Process

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What is the graphic design process? “THE” ultimate guide to the graphic design process – like I’m the one who wrote the book. Actually the term graphic design is defined as(Article Submission)It is a process…

How to Write a Design Brief

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What is a design brief and why is it needed? Does hiring a designer or design agency have to be a painful process? In short, the answer is no. Design briefs or creative briefs are…

Small Business Marketing Solutions

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If you’re a small business, you’re probably working with a limited marketing budget and can’t afford to hire a big agency or have an in-house marketing department. Sage Design GroupCreative Solutions to Grow Your Business.™ …

Developing a Marketing Strategy in Five Steps

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Why is it so important to have a marketing strategy? A well organized and planned out strategy can make the difference between success and failure. Small businesses often don’t have a marketing strategy in place…